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Are you an emotional feeder?

Child eating

I read an interesting and thought provoking article in a fitness magazine recently titled "Emotional Eating: Parents Pass it on to their kids". The author discussed how emotional eating often begins in childhood, at least partly in response to a parent's tendency to be an emotional feeder.

Parents learn early on that food can calm their child down. As an act of misplaced compassion and love, they offer food (usually high in sugar/fat) to soothe a fussy toddler or and upset teenager. The child feels better and associates that sensation with eating food. This starts the cycle of emotional eating.

I am guilty of being an emotional feeder!!!! I have seen my daughters have tantrums because they have had a rough day at school and there has been no candy or junk food in the house to calm them down. How did I deal with it? I went cold turkey on the candy! I waited for a calm moment and I discussed with my daughters how they felt before and after the candy. I discussed with them healthier food options and what else we could do to move away from comfort eating. We came up with some great choices such as drawing a picture to explain how you feel and listening to some calming music.

If you have any questions about emotional feeding, nutrition or exercise and how we can help both ourselves and family by approaching it in the right way then please be in touch.

Were your parents emotional feeders? Are you? How do you cope with triggers to eat? What other strategies do you use to help your family cope with stress. I would love for everyone to share their thoughts and suggestions.

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