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Would you hire an overweight Personal Trainer?

I recently watched a live Q&A with a popular personal trainer. He was asked his thoughts on personal trainers and/or exercise teachers who are bigger than what you would expect them to look like for their profession.

His view (which I agree with) is that before discounting that person you should go and talk to them and find out their story!!!! Some personal trainers are genetically skinny and fell into training at a young age because people complimented them on their physique and told them it would be a great profession for them. Other fitness professionals have to battle their weight and go into personal training to help others just like them!

To be honest, I fall into both categories!!!! I was skinny at school and I was very happy with my weight and how I looked until I went to University. I played a variety of different sports (tennis, badminton and swimming) but there was too much of a calorie intake with the party life and not watching what I ate. By the last year of University I was overweight and out of shape. It hit me hard and fast and I knew that I had to do something about it!

So....I found myself a personal trainer and made a commitment to lose weight! It took about 2 years and I did it, I lost 80% of the weight that I had put on. Not only did I lose weight but I realised how much my overall health improved with the lifestyle changes which I had made.

I am so happy to use my experiences to help others. I have been in both worlds and understand how hard it is to change to a healthy lifestyle but also how much effort is needed to maintain it.

What are your thoughts? Would you discount a personal trainer or exercise class teacher because of his or her size? What is important to you when looking for a teacher/ trainer?

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