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Pretty Sweaty!!! Modest Workout Clothes you will want to wear!

I love working out and I love keeping my workouts varied. What I often feel uncomfortable about is what I wear. I remember the days before I became observant and I would leave the house all ready to go to the gym (Sweat pants, short cropped top I am sure you get the picture).

Dressing modestly, I find myself with 100 layers and I usually arrive at a studio or clients house already sweaty and then begins the process of taking off all the layers before I even start to teach!!!

I was sitting a few weeks ago at the Cramim Spa Hotel just outside of Jerusalem which is a gorgeous tranquil place. The weather was warm and the pool area full! I was sat in my very basic modest swimsuit and then a woman walked by wearing a stunning modest swim outfit. A non observant, mid twenty something woman stopped her to compliment her on her outfit and asked where she got it! "Chanabana" she said and after that it was now my mission to get the same outfit.

Last week I met Chana Rachel, owner of Chanabana and I think our minds must think alike! She has created a beautiful range of swimwear and workout clothing that are not only comfortable and practical but also stylish. I went to her sale in Ramat Beit Shemesh Gimmel and after trying on an outfit, I knew that I had to buy one.

I wore the outfit for teaching today and it was totally worth it! I didn't have to get changed or take off lots of layers, it was comfortable to exercise in and fits beautifully. Chana has a studio in Jerusalem and also sells her clothes in the stalls at the first train is definitely worth checking her stall out next time you are there or on her website

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