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Other Benefits of Exercise - Did you know this?

There are many excuses why girls and women choose not to exercise or watch their diet and I have heard many reasons including a lack of time, it will be too difficult, too tired, I have never seen any results and I can’t find the motivation

Other girls and women are blessed with being "naturally thin" or having a faster metabolism. If this is you, I am sorry to say this ladies but exercise is important for you too!

Take a look at these other surprising benefits of exercise:

Reduces Stress, Depression and Anxiety

Unfortunately Stress is an inevitable part of life and we all get stressed at times, no matter our age, social demographics, levels of wealth etc. So how does exercise help? Well, according to the American Psychology Association have done studies that show that regular participation in aerobic exercise has been shown to decrease overall levels of tension, elevate and stabilize mood, improve sleep, and improve self-esteem. Even five minutes of aerobic exercise can stimulate anti-anxiety effects.

Reduces risk of Osteoporosis

According to the Mayo Clinic, certain types of exercise strengthen muscles and bones, while other types are designed to improve your balance — which can help prevent falls. Fitness, especially load-bearing exercise, is important for bone health.

Reduces risk of Dementia

According to research from Cambridge University (UK), just one hour’s exercise a week can reduce the chance of Alzheimer’s disease by almost half. This is based on just one hour of exercise per week imagine how much higher this percentage could be if you exercised three or four times per week. Staying active can boost mind function and energy.

Improves your skin

If all of the above are not good enough reasons to break out into a sweat, how about this one.

As reported in the Telegraph (a British newspaper for all of my American readers). "Dr Emma Wedgeworth, consultant dermatologist and British Skin Foundation spokesperson, says that it's scientific fact that as well as being good for general health, running can also help our skin."When we exercise," she explains, "we boost circulation to our skin, increasing oxygen and nutrient delivery, which gives us that immediate post-exercise glow. Enhanced skin blood flow can also help skin cells regenerate and remove toxins more efficiently. All of these changes can help regulate comedogenesis, the pore blockage which is the first stage in acne.""

There are plenty more benefits of exercise which I could add to this list including reducing risks of certain types of cancer, reducing severity of strokes and improving your mental performance however I hope that the above has given you some food for thought (excuse the pun...perhaps that is a blog topic for another time).

If you want to find out more about how exercise can help you meet your health goals then I would be delighted to answer any questions that you may have. You can email me at or call me on 052 952 2044. Ask us about our free consultation sessions which could help you get started on your journey.

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